Vehicle Recycling
The "State Program for Road Traffic Safety in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2023," as ratified by Presidential Decree No. 852 of the Republic of Azerbaijan on December 27th, 2018, stipulates the development and execution of a comprehensive vehicle recycling program.
Pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 2253 of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated July 27th, 2023, "Tamiz Shahar" Open Joint Stock Company has been designated as the operator responsible for the vehicle recycling processes. The main directions of the operator's activities include:
- Vehicle Recycling Fund;
- maintenance of the registry of vehicle recyclers;
- receipt of written information from vehicle recyclers and sellers;
- recordkeeping of confirmatory documents.
In accordance with the program's implementation framework, a vehicle recycling fund has been established by Presidential Order No. 4279 of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated January 27th, 2024, with the aim of encouraging and promoting activities related to the recycling of vehicles.
It should also be noted that, in accordance with the current legislation, only vehicle recyclers who are registered in the relevant registry by the operator are authorized to conduct vehicle recycling activities by issuance of confirmatory documents.
When vehicles are submitted, the recyclers issue a confirmative document to the applicant. A valid confirmatory document grants the right to purchase a newly manufactured domestic vehicle at a discount or to receive a one-time payment of 70% of the relevant discount amount.