The implementation of confirmatory documents is scheduled to commence after September 1st, 2024.

  • acquire a new locally manufactured vehicle at a discounted rate;
  • receive a one-time payment equal to 70% of the applicable discount amount.

  • the application of the discount based on the confirmatory document is not restricted by the classification of the new locally manufactured vehicle to be purchased;

For example, if you have a confirmatory document for a vehicle classified under M1 that you have disposed of, you can use the discount granted by that confirmatory documentfor any locally manufactured vehicle of any classification (M1, M2, N3, TT, HT, etc.).

  • confirmatory documents remain valid for 3 (three) years from the date of issuance;
  • each confirmatory document can only be used once;
  • confirmatory documents are non-personalized and can be used by others;
  • discounts can be accumulated and used from multiple valid and unused confirmatory documents.


  • sellers cannot refuse to apply the discount based on the confirmatory documents provided by buyers. Such refusal may result in liability as specified under the Administrative Offenses Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  • if the total accumulated discount amounts from several confirmatory documents exceed the sale price of the purchased vehicle according to the contract, the excess amount of the total discount will not be paid to the seller.