The registration of recyclers and the process for the vehicle recycling is scheduled to begin after September 1st, 2024.
Details of vehicle recycling process:
- to apply for vehicle recycling is voluntary;
- before recycling, vehicles must be deregistered from state registration in accordance with the procedures established by Article 27, Sections IX-I and IX-II of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Road Traffic;
- to obtain a confirmatory document granting the right to a discount or a one-time payment, the vehicle must be delivered to an authorized recycler registered in the relevant registry maintained by the Operator.
Persons who are not registered in the Register do not have the right to issue a confirmatory document (right to discount or one-time payment)!
If you intend to obtain a confirmatory document, make sure to verify whether the recycler is registered in the Operator's registry before delivering the vehicle!

Acceptance of vehicles for recycling
Recyclers accept vehicles for recycling on a first-come, first-served basis and free of charge.
When accepting a vehicle for recycling, the recyclers require the following documents:
- application for vehicle recycling;
- power of attorney confirming the right to dispose of the vehicle if it is delivered for recycling by a person other than the owner;
- written statement from the relevant state registration authority confirming the vehicle's deregistration;
- copy of the identity document for an individual or a copy of the registration certificate for a legal entity.
The application and the accompanying documents must be submitted either directly by the applicant or through an authorized representative.

Review of the Application
The application will be reviewed within 10 (ten) business days from the date of receipt.
1. In case of any deficiencies or inconsistencies in the documents or information:
- written notification will be sent to the applicant within 3 (three) business days from the date of receipt of the application if there are any deficiencies or inconsistencies in the documents or information.
- the applicant must resolve the deficiencies or inconsistencies within 10 (ten) business days from the date of receipt of the notification. During this period, the review process is suspended. Once the applicant addresses the deficiencies or inconsistencies, the review process will resume.
- if the applicant fails to rectify the deficiencies or inconsistencies within the specified time, a decision will be made to keep the application unprocessed. This decision will be sent to the applicant via registered mail or electronically within 3 (three) business days.
Note: after resolving the deficiencies and inconsistencies, the applicant has the right to reapply.
2. In case of no deficiencies or inconsistencies:
- an acceptance act for the vehicle being recycled is issued;
- photos (no fewer than five - from the front, rear, both sides, and inside) of the vehicle being recycled are attached to the report;
- one copy of the act is given to the person who has delivered the vehicle for recycling.
Issuance of confirmatory documents
- after the vehicle is accepted based on the act, the recycler will issue a confirmatory document to the person who delivered the vehicle for recycling within 2 (two) business days.
Only one confirmatory document can be issued for each vehicle delivered for recycling.
The acts and confirmatory documents are special serially numbered forms issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Azerbaijan.