The working group consisting of “Tamiz Shahar” JSC and Ecology Department of SOCAR has completed its mission.
03/06/2011 23:55
The working group consisting of “Tamiz Shahar” JSC and Ecology Department has completed its mission. It was built with the purpose of defining wild dump sites in the territories of SOCAR which are situated in Absheron peninsula. A series of wild dump sites have been found out in the territories of SOCAR and at the end a report has been prepared by the working group within the framework of carried out ecological control and raids.
Several proposals regarding the elimination of wild dump sites and prevention of municipal solid waste dumping into the territories of SOCAR were included to the report. According to the report, itis proposed to hand over the wild dump sites to municipalities after cleaning them out of garbage, to demand municipal power to provide those sites with waste containers, to hold ecological enlightenment campaigns among people in the direction of municipal solid waste collection, to fence around the sites belonging to SOCAR and to put relevant signs.